
AHA expresses concern about the potential impact of H.R. 3648, the Equal Access to Green Cards for Legal Employment (EAGLE) Act of 2022
Passport2Liberty helps Ukrainian nurses resettle in the United States. OSF Healthcare leads efforts to donate ambulances and supplies.
AHA today voiced support for the Building America’s Health Care Workforce Act (H.R.7744), legislation that would extend for two years after the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency certain flexibilities relating to training and competency requirements for nurse aides in skilled nursing…
34% of nurses surveyed by the online health care workforce matching platform Incredible Health said they plan to leave their roles by the end of this year. Responding to these market conditions, many hospitals and health systems are stepping up recruitment efforts, offering more flexible hours and…
Foreign-trained nurses and doctors do not displace American workers. Instead they play critical roles in ensuring the health of the communities our hospitals serve. They are highly qualified and required to meet our nation’s standards for education, English fluency and state licensure.
Incredible Health, a startup, has flipped the script on traditional nurse hiring by having hospitals apply directly to nurses for permanent positions rather than the other way around. The startup charges hospitals to use the platform, but it is free to nurses.
The AHA letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, cautioning against softening standards designed to maintain the safety and quality of laboratory testing in the U.S., including those regulating the professionals who staff the nation’s Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments-…
As we start to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, understanding and reconnecting to purpose, rediscovering our why is key to moving forward.
AHA letter to Representatives Gregory Murphy, M.D. and Mariannette Miller-Meeks, M.D. voicing support for their bill, the ravel Nursing Agency Transparency Study Act.
AHA and its AONL have partnered with CGFNS International to help displaced Ukrainian nurses practice in the United States.