State Association

Governor Schwarzenegger Health Care Proposal Slide Show, in PowerPoint form.
Preventable disease and disability have a profound impact on the health of Californians and the continued growth in health care costs. To promote a healthier California and contain costs, the Governor proposes requiring employers to stablish pre-tax health care contribution plans for employees -…
Chart of the various State, Regional and Metropolitan Hospital Associations annual meetings in 2007.
Healthcare: Delivering Value to Arizona. The 2007 advocacy agenda of the Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association.
2007 Florida Hospital Association Advocacy Agenda.
2007 Connecticut Hospital Association Legislative Agenda
HSCFN: Hawaii State Center For Nursing: Solving Hawaii's Nursing Workforce Shortage
First-in-the-Nation Massachusetts Health Reform Law is ")An Important National Model")
Recognizing that close to 50 percent of hospital expenses are labor related, the significance of having an adequate quantity of nurses and allied health professionals readily available is quite apparent.
Slide show. Reasons why physicians should switch to Healthbridge.