State Association

Health Care Coverage/Reform Proposals: Comparison of Key Features, presented by the California Hospital Association.
A Prescription for Comprehensive Health Care Reform in New York State
When properly structured, consumer-driven health care may provide gains toboth patients and the delivery system. However, the current approach by health plans could result in real harm to patients and to an already fragile health care delivery system. While health plans are presenting tiered…
New Hampshire Hospital Association House Health & Human Services Committee Presentation
Physician Supply and Demand Consultation To the Ohio Board of Regents - Draft Report
A list of the top 10 indicators that California's Health Care system is broken.
Governor Schwarzenegger held true to his word on health care reform by announcing a bold, visionary plan that comprehensively addresses many of the broken pieces in our health care system. The California Hospital Association \(CHA\) appreciates the leadership of Governor Schwarzenegger and his…
Expanding health care coverage to California's 6.5 million uninsured residents is certain to take center stage as a major public policy discussion in 2007. The California Hospital Association has long supported the goal of health care coverage for all Californians, building upon the existing…
Today Governor Schwarzenegger unveils an initiative to bring accessible, efficient and affordable health care to every Californian. His plan addresses our broken health care system and the hidden tax that every insured Californian pays to subsidize the uninsured. Individuals, government, doctors…
The Governor's vision for health reform is an accessible, efficient, and affordable health care system that promotes a healthier California through prevention and wellness and universality of coverage. For the Governor's vision to be realized, health care reform must reflect a ")systems") approach…