State Association

Healthcare Facility-Acquired Infection Reporting: 2007 Legislative and Regulatory Activity
Healthcare Infection Reporting: State Legislative and Regulatory Activities
Educating the Nursing Workforce: The Nurse Faculty Shortage in WisconsinWisconsin Nurse Faculty Shortage Task Force Report and Recommendations, June 2007
Healthcare Infection Reporting: State Legislative and Regulatory Activities
Healthcare Infection Reporting: State Legislative and Regulatory Activities
The Journey from Community Connections to Advocacy Networks, presented at the State Issues Forum meeting, May 2007")Strengthening Your Advocacy Network Through Community Connections")
")Successful ways to rebuild the community with the community"), John Matessino, Louisiana Hospital Association
Successful examples of legislative-advocacy strategies using community hospital leadership and trustDan Sisto, Healthcare Association of New York State
Five primary issues framed NDHA's 2007 state legislative agenda: Medicaid Payment Equity, Trauma System Review, Pharmacy Ownership, Minor Consent to Treat, Interest on Unpaid Medical Bills
Community Connections: Success Stories from the FieldGlenn Fosdick, The Nebraska Medical Center