State Association

Strengthening Your Advocacy Network Through Community Connections - PowerPoint Presentation, AHA Annual MeetingPresented By: Mindy Hatton, SVP, General Counsel
Iowa Hospital Association's Professional Work Force Survey: Trend Analysis of Hospital-Based Healthcare Workforce
Healthcare Infection Reporting: State Legislative and Regulatory Activities Chart \(PDF\)
Office-Based Surgery Talking Points - April 2007 prepared by the Tennessee Hospital Association
Healthcare Infection Reporting Chart: State Legislative and Regulatory ActivitiesUpdated on 04-10-2007
Healthcare Facility-Acquired Infection Reporting: 2007 Legislative and Regulatory Activity
A detailed list of the legislative priorities of the Tennessee Hospital Association for 2007.
Issue Brief: Nevada Health Care Prescription, Nevada Hospital Association. This is an overview paper on the state of health care in Nevada.
Healthcare Infection Reporting: State Legislative and Regulatory Activities. 2007 updated information.