State Association

State Healthcare Reform Initiatives: The Impact of Hospital Associations Colorado Health Care Reform: Current StatusMarty Arizumi, Colorado 208 Blue Ribbon Commission
State Healthcare Reform Initiatives: The Impact of Hospital AssociationsJeff Dye, New Mexico, State Coverage InsuranceState Issues Forum Meeting, September 2007
September 2007: State Issues Forum Meeting AgendaState Healthcare Reform Initiatives: The Impact of Hospital AssociationsLeo Greenawalt, President, Washington State Hospital AssociationChairman, State Issues Forum Steering Committee
Overview of State Healthcare Reform and Medicaid Expansion InitiativesJames Hardy, President, Sellers Feinberg and Martin Sellers, CEO, Sellers Feinberg provide an overview of what states are doing in terms of Medicaid and healthcare reform and how state, regional and metropolitan hospital…
State Issues Forum Meeting September 2007: A Health Care Reform Initiative for South Dakota: South Dakota Zaniya Task Force
Delaware Community Benefit Report for August 2007
AHA Advocacy and Public Policy Staff Contact Information as of June 2007
Healthcare Facility-Acquired Infection Reporting: 2007 Legislative and Regulatory Activity
2007 LEGISLATIVE WRAP-UP - New Hampshire Hospital Association
2007 Tennessee Hospital Association Legislative Report