State Association

State Legislative and Regulatory ActivityState Legislation Relating to Disclosure of Hospital and Health ChargesNational Conference of State Legislatures
Surveys and ReportsState Issues Forum Survey of Hospital Transparency Activities at the State Level, 2014Public Reporting an
Department of Labor and IndustryPennsylvania Nursing Education Initiatives, Clinical Education GuidelinesDepartment of Labor and Industry
Unsustainable health care cost growth has forced payers to reexamine goalsfor hospital payment systems. Employers want simplicity and transparency, with comparative performance data available in the public domain. Insurers favor simplicity but prefer to keep the analysis of comparative performance…
Healthcare Infection Reporting: State Legislative and Regulatory Activities
At 2 a.m. on July 27, 1996, I stood in the ambulance bay of Grady Memorial Hospital, awaiting the first of 35 severely injured bombing victims who would be brought to Grady from Atlanta's Olympic Park over the next 2 hours. Although it was a harrowing experience for all involved, the response of…
Oklahoma Hospital Association response to questions from Senator Daisy Lawler.
Slide show. ")The Principles and Elements of a Healthful Practice/Work Environment.") Presented by AONE.
State Issues Forum September 2006 Meeting Agenda. ")Emerging Workforce Trends: The Impact of Corporate Campaigns on Hospital Associations")
Slide show. Presented by the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association. Overview of the Association.