State Association

The process for granting licenses for new or expanding hospitals and healthcare services varies widely across the United States. In light of increasing national concern over the cost of and access to healthcare, it's not surprising that many states are reviewing and revising healthcare regulations…
Medical Malpractice Liability in Virginia. Patients injured in the course of receiving health care may sue health care providers for medical malpractice under governing state tort law, usually the law of the state where the injury took place.State laws vary, but all are intended to compensate the…
The VHHA Board of Directors has adopted a comprehensive package of initiatives that will make it easier for consumers to get information about: 1\) health care prices and hospital quality; 2\) financial assistance policies that affect the low-income uninsured and underinsured; and 3\) the extent of…
Emergency Preparedness in Virginia. Disaster preparedness and response requires a significant investment in time, staff, and resources. Since September 11, 2001, direct funding to disaster preparedness and response has not kept up with demand or need. Hospitals have merely shifted from being…
Earlier this year, VHHA created its own Certificate of Public Need \(COPN\) Task Force, which has concluded its work and will present its recommendations to the Board during the Annual Meeting. The VHHA Task Force recognized that COPN remains critical to hospitals and health systems' ability to…
Analysis of Niche Hospitals in Texas and the Financial Impact on General Hospitals. In Texas as in other states, the proliferation of niche hospitals has raised concern about the potential financial impact of these hospitals on full-service general hospitals. In this report, we report findings from…
Slide show. ")Understanding the Need for and Impact of Quality Data.") Presented by the Florida Hospital Association.
State Legislative and Regulatory ActivityState Health Programs To Cover The Uninsured, National Conference of State LegislaturesUpdated January 2009