State Association

2006 trauma funding survey. Chart with state-by-state comparison.
Slide show. ")Association Perspectives and Strategies: Lessons Learned From The Field.") Presented by the Healthcare Association of New York State.
Slide show. ")Union Organizing in Chicago-area Hospitals Then and Now.") Presented by Kevin Scanlan, President/CEO, Metropolitan Chicago Hospital Association.
Slide show. ")Telling Our Story.") Presented by Kevin Scanlan, President/CEO, MCHC.
Slide show. Emerging Workforce Trends: The Impact of Corporate Campaigns on Hospital Associations. Presented by the Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems.
The health of senior citizens in the United States is not as good as it shouldbe, given the billions of dollars spent on health care each year. This raises concerns that Medicare is not getting the best value for the services it purchases.Medicare's current payment system places no emphasis on…
Elizabeth Powers from the South Carolina Hospital Association sent a query to the State Association Government Relations Officers \(SAGRO\) network to research what other states are doing on the uninsured.
JLARC Staff Gives Committee Preliminary CON ReportThe staff of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee – known in Olympia as JLARC – gave a progress report to the committee at a hearing May 24 in Olympia
State, Regional and Metropolitan Association LinksArizonaPhysician Self Referral and the Impact of "Boutique" Hospitals