State Association

2007 MeetingsSpecial State Issues Forum Conference Call on RACsThe call from October 23, 2007 is available for replay until December 24, 2007 by calling 877-919-4059. Pass code 66398820.
Healthcare Infection Reporting: State Legislative and Regulatory Activities: updated information
H.B. 1015 - Title: An Act Requiring the Reporting of Infections Acquired in Health Care Facilities. 2007 Draft MRSA Legislation for Washington State.
Medicaid Studies and ReportsMedicaid Enrollment: December 2009 Data Snapshot,The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, September 2010
Beth Atwood from the Tennessee Hospital Association sent a query to the State Association Government Relations Officers \(SAGRO\) network to learn what other states are doing to provide special funding for trauma centers. Reponses on a state-by-state basis.
Bridget Gargan from the Ohio Hospital Association sent out the following query to the SAGRO group:There is a strong push in Ohio to enact legislation to create a High Risk Pool for people who are priced out of policies offered during open enrollment. As with everything, no one can agree on how to…
Medicaid managed care has come a long way since it took its first baby steps many states in the mid-1990s. From what was often a harried scramble to implement quickly crafted procurements, states now have deliberate and well-tested strategies for embarking on managed care expansions - derived both…
")Pay for Performance: Are Hospitals Ready and Willing?") from the Mathematica Issue Brief, November 2006.
Florida's hospitals are the healthcare safety net for the 4.8 million Floridians who are without health insurance for significant periods of time every year - one out of every three Floridians under the age of 65. 1 In order to meet the healthcare needs of Florida's uninsured, hospitals incurred .5…
Workforce in Virginia. While nursing shortages have made national and local news, the reality is that there are significant shortages projected for all health professionals. The primary drivers of the predicted nursing shortage - population and economic growth in Virginia, longer life spans, and…