AHA Team Training

TeamSTEPPS aligns with organizational goals for improvement, with its focus on leadership, situation monitoring, mutual support and communication.
Investment in formal and standardized TeamSTEPPS training leads to an environment of respect, trust and accountability among care team members.
Begin a comprehensive TeamSTEPPS implementation based on areas for improvement identified through readiness assessment.
Extraordinary times have spurred significant growth and transformation in employee well-being programs. Learn how the Employee Experience Hub at Duke Health has increased collaboration between resource providers, and gain valuable insights and practical strategies for fostering a resilient health…
Examine the disconnect between how frontline workers and hospital administrators understand health care work, the difference between work-as-done and work-as-imagined. Our speakers share how bridging this gap of understanding can change how your workers feel about your organization. (Webinar…
Our new 90-minute virtual workshop will share tools and approaches that support high-performing leaders and teams. Discover powerful strategies that will empower you to create a culture of connection, creativity and unwavering commitment within your health care team.
In this webinar, experts from Do Tank explore human-centered design tools and methods that help you understand your colleagues’ perspectives and create a clear sense of purpose for your team initiatives and projects. This is a great view for anyone wanting to improve their strategic planning and…
Recognizing that TeamSTEPPS does not have a one-size-fits-all approach, we invite you to delve into the compelling narratives of three hospitals, each at a different stage in their TeamSTEPPS implementation. Witness the evolution from a pivotal six-month milestone in a specific unit to the…
AHA Team Training's in-person TeamSTEPPS Master Training course will teach participants all the TeamSTEPPS tools and principles - what they are, how to use them, and how to take them back to your organization.
Join this virtual information session and Q&A to get all your AHA Next Generation Leaders Fellowship mentorship questions answered before the interest form closes on March 29, 2024.