AHA Team Training

Join us for an enlightening and impactful webinar with Dr. Mauvareen Beverley, an expert in addressing health care inequities and unconscious bias. She will share how she has developed and executed programs aimed at increasing cultural competency among clinical and administrative teams. These…
This webinar will provide an overview of the published final rule for the fiscal year (FY) 2025 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) related to coding, MS-DRGs and regulatory proposals.
Leaders choose TeamSTEPPS because it integrates well with existing patient safety program and starts rollout in Women and Children’s division.
TeamSTEPPS seen as a way to operationalize values of collaboration and safety; leads to system-wide implementation of TeamSTEPPS and 15 years of sustainment.
This webinar introduces TeamSTEPPS concepts and tools to enhance teamwork, communication and leadership from a nonclinical perspective. Learn how to make meetings more meaningful and empower all team members to voice their concerns confidently. You will walk away with facilitation strategies to…
Lora Sparkman, VP Patient Safety and Quality at Relias, dissects the key findings of their 2024 Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Prevention Report, exploring factors contributing to maternal mortality rates, disparities in health care access, and effective interventions to address these issues. (…
Discover how utilizing Family Systems Theories and TeamSTEPPS creates a powerful health care team dynamic. Dr. Sanne Henninger discusses this innovative approach that aims to enhance the evaluation of teams, build collaboration, communication, and overall effectiveness within health care teams,…
Rebuild and restrengthen team collaboration and communication, and hold a shared mental model for teamwork and safety culture using TeamSTEPPS.
Whether you're looking to learn more about TeamSTEPPS, find data to show proof of concept, or access training materials to use in your organization, the AHA Team Training Resource Center has something to help you. Find links to a variety of flyers, videos, citations, slide decks and more!
Each TeamSTEPPS Success Story provides insights into the approaches and goals that shaped the journey, includes information on actions taken and outcomes measured, and shares recommendations for success from diverse TeamSTEPPS perspectives.