Physician Workforce

In this AHA Stat blog post, Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of the AHA Physician Alliance, highlights strategies from four female physicians who participate in the Women’s Wellness through Equity and Leadership Grant Program on how to address burnout professionally and personally.
The nation faces a shortage of between 46,900 and 121,900 physicians by 2032.
AHA Physician Leadership Experience helps participants create a new professional strategy to offset the demands of the 24/7/365, fast-paced and unrelenting health care environment. Participants develop a powerful new ability to create new skills, patterns and rituals that intentionally create…
The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 imposed caps on the number of residents for which each teaching hospital is eligible to receive Medicare direct graduate medical education (DGME) and indirect medical education (IME) payments. These caps have remained in place and have generally only been adjusted as…
AHA letter to Representative Terri Sewell expressing support for the the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2019 (H.R. 1763).
Prior authorization still poses significant challenges to physicians and patients, according to a new survey by the American Medical Association. The survey looks at progress by health plans to implement reforms outlined in a 2018 consensus statement by six organizations, including the AHA and…
As more female physicians enter the workforce and face challenges that can lead to burnout, the AHA has joined with five medical organizations to bring together early- to mid-career female physicians for networking, mentorship and leadership training.
A panel commissioned by the American Board of Medical Specialties to review the continuing certification process recently released a report on its findings and recommendations.
To help clinicians address social determinants of health (SDoH) within a framework that maximizes their skills while helping organizations systemically approach these challenges, the AHA Physician Alliance has created a virtual expedition consisting of five modules.
AHA urges the Senate to co-sponsor the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2019 (S. 348), a bipartisan bill, authored by Senators Menendez, Boozman and Schumer, that would increase the number of Medicare-funded residency positions by 15,000 over five years, thereby helping to alleviate…