
Rick Pollack, president and CEO of the American Hospital Association, standing in front of the AHA seal and a United States flag.

Perspective is a weekly blog from Rick Pollack, president and CEO of the American Hospital Association, that explores the most important issues facing hospitals and health systems.

In order to succeed, we need the best people.
By removing outdated barriers to teamwork, hospitals and doctors will be able to advance health in America.
The AHA is proud to be your partner in keeping your data — and your patients — safe.
Rather than subjecting the nation to yet another polarizing debate on health care, there’s a better way.  
This is just one way AHA is working to help hospitals and health systems transform and advance health in America.
Despite what they say about gridlock and nothing going on in Washington, there actually is a lot going on in real time that has a real impact on our field … and we have the opportunity to influence the outcomes.
As cornerstones of your communities, hospital and health system leaders have the unique authority to lead initiatives to reduce the risk for violence and advocate for advancing health.
Health care is experiencing unprecedented change: the field is shifting to value-based care; new players are entering the health care field; and patients want services to be provided in a more convenient manner where providers meet them where they need care … whether it is at home, work, school or…
Chronic diseases affect 133 million Americans of all ages, including 12 million adults and 400,000 children who have serious illnesses. By 2025, nearly half the population will have one or more chronic conditions.
Two weeks ago, I wrote about the important role AHA member hospitals and health system leaders play in advocating for the field. This week, I’ll tell you exactly what we’re advocating for when Congress returns in September … and how you can help.