
Rick Pollack, president and CEO of the American Hospital Association, standing in front of the AHA seal and a United States flag.

Perspective is a weekly blog from Rick Pollack, president and CEO of the American Hospital Association, that explores the most important issues facing hospitals and health systems.

Patients and their providers rely on these prescription drugs for treating injury and managing illness. Yet the drug companies and their shareholders have been treating America’s patients and providers like a piggybank.
As a politically practical matter, we need to focus on finding consensus to improve the system we have rather than subject the nation to yet another polarizing debate on health care. 
In this ever-changing world, there are fewer certainties than ever before: the health care field, the political landscape, and even the climate are transforming as I write. But, one thing that doesn’t change, and you can count on: The AHA Annual Membership Meeting is one of the best places to learn…
The last thing a patient should worry about in a health crisis is an unanticipated medical bill that unintentionally impacts their out-of-pocket costs … and undermines the trust and confidence that patients have in their caregivers.
The AHA’s goal is to improve the health care of every American, no matter where they live…big city, small town, frontier or somewhere in between. Each community has its own health, technology, infrastructure and financial needs, so there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. What works in Brooklyn, New…
America’s patients deserve the best care in the world, and America’s national hospital associations are united in calling for accelerated interoperability to make that happen. 
Last week, I shared a few areas where we can advance health in America this year, even in a divided Congress. Number one on that list: reining in the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs.  
We’re 11 days into 2019 … we’ve returned to a divided government …and the partial government shutdown continues.
As this year winds down, on behalf of the entire AHA Board of Trustees and our staff team, I want to thank you for all you do. I also want to express our appreciation for turning to us as your trusted partner as you focus on serving your patients and communities.
As we all work to reduce cost and improve value; deliver superior outcomes; create new innovative delivery models; and develop new strategic alliances, there’s great opportunity for innovation.