AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

AHA Center for Health Innovation’s Market Scan articles provide insights and analysis on the field’s latest developments in health care disruption, transformation and innovation.

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Some of the nation’s most innovative companies have launched initiatives large and small to disrupt health care’s status quo. The aim: to deliver care in better, cheaper and more efficient ways in locations that are easier to access and more desirable for consumers to use.
After an eventful 2018 in the health technology field, some experts foresee more big changes ahead in 2019. Among the predictions from experts polled by CNBC.
A newly released Market Insights report from the AHA Center for Health Innovation presents 10 predictions for next year that hospitals and health systems should consider as they prepare for another year of transformative change. Each prediction relates to one or more of the Center’s focus areas,…
As providers, payers and others survey the health care landscape for next year and what potential strategic adjustments to make, keep an eye on these issues identified by some of the field’s prominent advisory firms.
As competition increases among payers to sign up and retain seniors in Medicare Advantage plans, UnitedHealth has added 800 nurses and customer-service advocates to its concierge-services team to help seniors with complex conditions navigate their care. The move greatly expands UnitedHealth’s…
The AHA Center for Health Innovation has released a set of resources on disruptive innovation in the health care market designed to help leaders better understand new market entrants’ challenges to traditional business models and ways to respond to these developments. The tools focus on the major…
Megan Callahan, who has a strong background in health information technology, has been hired by the ride-provider Lyft to boost its mission of helping customers get to their medical appointments. Callahan worked most recently as chief strategy officer for the revenue cycle-management firm Change…
Hospitals and health systems will need to develop a more proactive and innovative mindset and invest more money if they plan to develop and deploy cutting-edge tools such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and voice-based programs that will shape digital transformation. These are some of…
The health care field is transforming. New entrants and unique partnerships are accelerating this transformation. Hospitals and health systems are preparing for the future by investing in innovative technologies and cultures. Teams, technology and data will spur the advancement of care coordination…
These 10 events, forces and trends — based on the collective insights from leading health care experts — should be on the radar of hospitals and health systems in 2019 as they prepare for a full and robust year of disruptive innovations from new market entrants and vertical integrators.