
MasterCard and Verizon, have launched their first significant health care initiatives. MasterCard is partnering with b.well Connected Health to offer a digital solution that enables patients to verify their identity using a mobile phone. Verizon is entering the telehealth field with its BlueJeans…
When the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic hit, hospitals, health systems and their affiliated physician practices became online caregivers almost overnight.
One legacy of our response to COVID-19 surely will be how it has accelerated the adoption of virtual care. It is one of the more encouraging developments during the losses of the pandemic. 
Many of the digital solutions we relied on during the pandemic will remain, making digital health equity, including digital access and literacy, even more important. As hospitals and health systems design and implement digital solutions, it will be imperative to take proactive steps so all…
The Federal Communications Commission adopted a report and order implementing changes to the COVID-19 Telehealth Program under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, which authorized an additional $249.95 million in funding for the program.
The landscape is littered with failed ventures from well-intentioned, well-funded startups that set out to overhaul the employer-sponsored health care system. But the recent formal launch of Transcarent, a Silicon Valley health tech firm planning to transform employer-sponsored benefits, bears…
Continued focus on developing digital health tools that increase access and improve the patient experience again has led Providence to spin out one of its innovations. The nonprofit Catholic health system’s Digital Innovation Group recently launched DexCare Inc., a new digital health company.
.webreplay{ border: solid 2px #777; padding: 15px 5px; margin: 0 0 10px 15px; } @media (min-width:360px){ .webreplay{ min-width: 290px; float: right; } } On-demand Webinar MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "710-ZLL-651", 1071); Key Considerations for…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will host a March 11 call for clinicians on using telehealth to augment COVID-19 vaccine planning and monitoring.