
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center – Los Angeles, Calif. Age-friendly Health Care Improves Value for Older Adults with Fractures
U.S. hospitals and other non-profit and for-profit entities with experience using telehealth technologies to serve rural underserved populations can apply through April 2 for up to $350,000 each to implement and evaluate direct-to-consumer telehealth technologies to increase access to health care…
Sixty percent of health care organizations will invest in virtual care technology in 2021, according to a recent BDO survey of health care chief financial officers. Responding to this growing demand, tech companies large and small have been working feverishly on devices for the home that can help…
Even as hospitals and health systems continue to address COVID-19 and its many challenges, they are looking for lessons learned and opportunities for the future.
Even as we continue to address COVD-19 challenges, let’s consider the experiences of the past year, looking for lessons learned and opportunities for the future. Here are four major areas that changed during the pandemic and are likely to keep transforming health care in the year ahead.
The Department of Health and Human Services announced it is investing through the Health Resources and Services Administration $8 million to address gaps in rural telehealth.
While it’s been difficult this year to predict what the next month will bring for health care, a few longer-term impacts are much clearer, including how digital health will continue to be transformed. Here are three predictions for 2021 by health care thought leaders.
COVID-19 has upended priorities for hospitals and health systems in nearly all areas of leadership focus, including digital health innovation. Expanding and accelerating the shift to telehealth has become priority No. 1, with other technology initiatives put on hold or slowed down due to budgetary…
Recent research into telehealth adoption found that providers’ satisfaction was directly proportional to the amount of input they had in program design and rollout within their institutions. This speaks to the importance of engaging with physicians and others who provide virtual care services.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Nov. 25 announced several flexibilities aimed at allowing health care services to be provided outside of a hospital setting in response to the surging COVID-19 pandemic.