Supply chain management

The American Hospital Association (AHA) provides resources on supply chain management, the management of health care supplies manufacturing, distribution, delivery, utilization, and replacement.

The AHA Wednesday, May 18 at 3 p.m. ET will host a webinar for AHA members during which GE Healthcare will provide an update on the shortage of its Omnipaque (iohexol) and Visipaque (iodixanol) intravenous contrast media products for computed tomography imaging.
Patient safety is always the number one priority. Nurses need to be empowered with flexibility to determine appropriate staffing for the needs of their patients.
Learn about using KPI measurements to identify areas of improvement, solutions which leverage Power Apps and mobile devices that can be deployed quickly and show immediate returns, and ways to automate workflows to streamline processes.
We all know that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated many longstanding challenges facing the health care field. One of the most alarming developments that is a top concern today is its effect on our nation’s blood supply. 
Simple Practices to Create Equitable and Inclusive Sourcing and Purchasing Pipeline.
Simple Policy Fixes for Inclusive sourcing and purchasing.
Do a basic assessment of where your institution is at, and identify the steps you need to take to implement an inclusive, local sourcing initiative.
This toolkit on local and diverse purchasing showcases examples of how hospitals and health systems are reevaluating their roles as their community’s largest purchasers, understanding that a thriving local economy is fundamental to a healthy community.
It is imperative that Congress invest in America’s hospitals and health systems to ensure that the nation’s health care needs can be met today and into the future. The AHA supports investments in infrastructure, such as the health care workforce, behavioral health, the accessibility and…