Supply chain management

The American Hospital Association (AHA) provides resources on supply chain management, the management of health care supplies manufacturing, distribution, delivery, utilization, and replacement.

The AHA, American Medical Association, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, and United States Pharmacopeia convened a virtual summit to examine the resilience of the U.S. pharmaceutical supply chain in light of the current state of global pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Leading healthcare groups convened a summit, “Safe, Effective, and Accessible High-Quality Medicines as a Matter of National Security,” on July 27-31 to examine the resilience of the U.S. pharmaceutical supply chain in light of the current state of global pharmaceutical manufacturing.
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The Food and Drug Administration, in its first enforcement operation with the government of India, recently stopped about 500 shipments of unapproved prescription drugs and combination medical devices from reaching U.S. consumers, the agency announced.
Karen Conway, vice president of health care value at Global Healthcare Exchange, noted recently in HealthData Management that various technologies will help supply chain leaders in their organizational mission to facilitate better care at lower costs.
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health today held a hearing on lowering prescription drugs prices, which focused on the drug supply chain.
AHA opposes tariffs that have been imposed on medical equipment and medical products imported from China that are used in hospitals, as well as potential tariffs under consideration that would impact the health care field.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will host a public workshop Sept. 5-6 on “Medical Product Shortages during Disasters: Opportunities to Predict, Prevent and Respond.”
The Association for Health Care Resource & Materials Management yesterday presented its 2018 George R. Gossett Leadership Award to Deborah Sprindzunas, who has served as the association’s executive director for the past 20 years.
The Food and Drug Administration today approved a domestic system for producing Technetium-99m, the most widely used radioisotope for nuclear medical imaging.