Quality & Patient Safety

In this conversation, Tom Peterson, M.D., vice president and chief safety officer at Trinity Health, shares how Trinity's focus on both patient and workforce safety is paying off.
The AHA Quest for Quality Prize celebrates hospitals and health systems that are committed to providing exceptional quality, safe and patient- and family-centered care. Use the sample tweets and social media images to reach and encourage hospitals and health systems to apply for the 2025 Prize.
Leaders choose TeamSTEPPS because it integrates well with existing patient safety program and starts rollout in Women and Children’s division.
TeamSTEPPS seen as a way to operationalize values of collaboration and safety; leads to system-wide implementation of TeamSTEPPS and 15 years of sustainment.
Strategies to address rise in nonoperating room anesthesia (NORA) cases and use anesthesiologists in lead role for patient screen and care redesign.
This webinar introduces TeamSTEPPS concepts and tools to enhance teamwork, communication and leadership from a nonclinical perspective. Learn how to make meetings more meaningful and empower all team members to voice their concerns confidently. You will walk away with facilitation strategies to…
A new issue brief from AHA’s Hospitals Against Violence initiative offers proven strategies and action steps to help hospitals and health systems’ violence mitigation efforts fit into the organization’s culture of safety strategy and lead to better patient outcomes.
In this webinar, AHA Policy staff Shannon Wu, Tammy Love, Stephen Hughes, and Akin Demehin delved into the key provisions outlined in the FY 2025 Inpatient Prospective Payment System Proposed Rule. They explored topics, such as proposals concerning Medicare disproportionate share…
AHA urged leaders of the Senate and House Appropriations Subcommittees on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education to give favorable funding consideration in fiscal year 2025 to health care programs shown to improve access to quality health care for patients and communities.