
American Hospital Association toolkits and methodologies for members and the health care field.

The tool was initially conceptualized to meet the needs of epidemiologists and data analysts, but through its development over the past few years, the team expanded the guide to be applicable to anyone who is working in a program that collects data, from large datasets to small Excel spreadsheets.
This toolkit includes interventions, policies, and programs identified through a landscape scan and interviews that stakeholders can deploy to achieve racially and ethnically equitable health systems.
This toolkit presents options for residency program directors to reinforce GME recruitment more consistently with regards to diversity.
The AHA Quest for Quality Prize celebrates hospitals and health systems that are committed to providing exceptional quality, safe and patient- and family-centered care. Use the sample tweets and social media images to reach and encourage hospitals and health systems to apply for the 2025 Prize.
Price estimator tools are currently patients’ best and most consumer-friendly source of information. They
Strengthening the Health Care Workforce Digital Toolkit contains social media posts and images to support your team through burnout, to address behavioral health issues, and to prevent workplace violence.
AONL is working with national nursing and health care organizations to systematically address nurse staffing to enhance value, while optimizing quality and patient outcomes.
In 2018, the Alliance formed a Racial Equity Network (REN) of local and state systems and program leaders and advocates to inspire more engagement about best practices, data collection, and action steps at the systems level.
The Complex Care Startup Toolkit is a practical collection of guides, templates and other tools for new and developing complex care programs, regardless of setting, population or geography.