
American Hospital Association toolkits and methodologies for members and the health care field.

This toolkit, developed in collaboration with the Catholic Health Association, is designed to help health care organizations look at their resources in a different light, expand their efforts to support their communities, and maximize their impact on community health by harnessing the power of…
This toolkit offers various forms of media and tools that highlight community perspectives on issues and where the AAMC Center for Health Justice's members can improve based on these community insights.
A 2-page document that provides strategies on how to challenge everyday explicit and implicit biases in interpersonal interactions. Strategies include using humor, asking questions, inviting discussion, and using direct communication among others and provides some examples on how to carry these out…
This toolkit provides step by step guides on how to create a strategic plan with diversity, equity, and inclusion in mind.
This tool provides the do's and don'ts on the level involvement of the chief executive be in the recruitment process. While the board is ultimately responsible for recruiting and selecting new board members, the chief executive also plays an important role in the process. Including information from…
This toolkit looks at place-based investment strategies, with an integrated capital approach, which create positive community impacts traditionally overlooked.
This toolkit aims to help white-led organizations align their work with existing health advocacy, organizing and community-building work already happening in communities of color in ways that are respectful and grounded in an understanding of power and racial justice principles.
The purpose of this resource booklet is to: Tell the story of how our anti-racist organizational change project started. Share some of the resources we’ve found and developed along the way. Provide guidance on how other nonprofits can start their own process.
The aim of this tool kit is to help organizations review and consider changes to policies such as these to make sure that they are equitable for all employees and members, and for their community.
This SHRM EDI Toolkit includes the qualities, experiences and work styles that make individuals unique (e.g., age, race, religion, disabilities, ethnicity) as well as how organizations can leverage those qualities in support of business objectives.