
Mary Beth Kingston spoke today at the first of three regional forums on the Future of Nursing 2020-2030.
The AHA voices support for legislation (S. 1399) to revise and extend federal programs to develop the nursing workforce recently introduced by Sens. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., and Richard Burr, R-N.C., and referred to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.
The AHA today voiced support for legislation to revise and extend federal programs to develop the nursing workforce.
There’s no question that hospitals and health systems face a number of challenges. None is more significant that the need to increase the resiliency of our workforce, particularly among physicians, nurses and other clinicians.  
Also in this weekly roundup of nursing news: a nurse helps save the life of a man at the theatre, and executive moves in the field.
Nurses regularly tackle clinical and operational challenges in innovative ways as they go about ensuring the best care for their patients. But, often the impact of their innovations are limited to the patients they care for directly. Not including nurses in enterprisewide innovation initiatives is…
During National Nurses Week, Robyn Begley, AHA Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer and CEO of AHA’s American Organization of Nurse Executives, talks about how from the bedside to the C-suite to the boardroom, nurses are critical partners in leading the transformation of health care…
During National Nurses Week, which kicks off today, AHA and its American Organization of Nurse Executives subsidiary celebrate nurses for the invaluable role they play in advancing health in America.
Also in this weekly roundup of nursing news: A Florida nurse saves the life of a nearly drowned girl.
Also in this weekly roundup of nursing news: a visiting nurse helps save a fallen man on the dance floor, and executive moves in the field.