Nurse Leadership

For example, at Carolinas HealthCare System, a team led by nurses optimized the electronic health record process by reducing documentation, removing duplicate records and organizing the technology in a more user-friendly workflow. As a result, the health system eliminated 18 million clicks for…
The American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) will present members and others with 2017 awards for outstanding leadership during its annual meeting this week in Baltimore.
The American Organization of Nurse Executives on March 30 will present its 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award to Pamela Austin Thompson, AONE CEO emeritus. Thompson retired last July after serving 16 years as AONE CEO and as AHA senior vice president nursing and chief nursing officer since 2010.…
“I think one’s feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results” – Florence Nightingale In 1967, a collection of nurse administrators from the AHA Council of Nursing organized themselves into an AHA personal membership group to create a…
David Perlstein, M.D., president and CEO for SBH Health System in Bronx, NY, will lead AHA’s Committee for Clinical Leadership in 2017. Cheryl Hoying, R.N., senior vice president of patient services at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, is committee chair-elect and will become chair in…
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center nursing leader Linda Burnes Bolton today was named the medical center’s inaugural James R. Klinenberg, M.D., and Lynn Klinenberg Linkin Chair in Nursing. “There are very few professionals who have a sure grasp of policy and practice, who navigate Washington, D.C.,…
The focus of this year’s National Nurses Week, which concludes today, is “Culture of Safety: It Starts With You.” In an AHASTAT blog post today, Pamela Thompson, CEO of the American Organization of Nurse Executives, notes, “Patient safety is imbedded in all of AONE’s competencies for nursing…
Congratulations to all of my nursing colleagues as we celebrate National Nurses Week. It is important that we take time to pause to recognize the valuable contributions that nurses make each and every day. The focus of this year’s Nurses Week is Culture of Safety: It Starts With You.…
Nursing leader Linda Burnes Bolton will receive the Health Research & Educational Trust's 2016 TRUST Award at the Health Forum/AHA Leadership Summit July 17 in San Diego. Burnes Bolton is chief nurse executive, vice president for nursing, chief nursing officer and director of nursing…
As an advocate for community health needs and patient populations, the nurse executive serves as an agent of change in this strategic effort. Utilizing a cross-walk of the AONE Nurse Executive Competencies and the AONE Nurse Executive Competencies: Post Care Acute, these new competencies are…