
Package funds government through Sept. 30 and includes important provisions preventing Medicare cuts, extending telehealth and other flexibilities and improving behavioral health, among others
The Department of Health and Human Services today released on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services website detailed information on the ownership of more than 7,000 hospitals certified to participate in the Medicare program.
This legislation will deliver critical support and resources so we can better care for our patients and create healthier communities.
A bipartisan group of 113 House members yesterday urged President Biden and congressional leaders to prevent additional impending Medicare cuts from going into effect, including the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go sequester. 
The House later today is expected to pass a continuing resolution extending the current federal funding levels for health care and other programs through Dec. 23.
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission today discussed draft payment update recommendations for 2024, which the commission will vote on in January.
The average hospital stay increased 19% overall in 2022 compared with pre-pandemic levels, and increased 24% for patients discharged to post-acute care, according to a new AHA issue brief based on data from Strata Decision Technology.
As Congress convenes for its post-election lame-duck session, we are turning up the pressure to secure additional support for hospitals and the patients and communities they serve. We need to put on a full-court press — and that includes all of us reaching out to our senators and representatives —…
As the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission considers Medicare payment adequacy, AHA today encouraged the panel to recommend adding a one-time retrospective adjustment to the fiscal year 2024 market basket updates to help hospitals and health systems remain financially viable.
The American Hospital Association (AHA) appreciates the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission’s (MedPAC) continued discussions on its safety-net proposal, payment alignment across ambulatory settings and payments to primary care clinicians. As the Commission continues its deliberations, we would…