
Commenting April 4 on topics discussed by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission in March, AHA said it continues to strongly oppose additional site-neutral payment cuts to hospital outpatient departments, which need stable and adequate government reimbursements to ensure access to care in this…
AHA comments on three topics that were discussed during the March 2023 Medicare Payment Advisory Commission public meeting: the hospital wage index, alignment of payment rates across ambulatory settings and Medicare Part B drug payments.
Sens. Bob Casey, D-Pa., and Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, have introduced the Rural Hospital Support Act (S.1110), AHA-supported legislation that would make permanent the Medicare-dependent Hospital program and enhanced low-volume Medicare adjustment for small rural prospective payment system hospitals.
The Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will have sufficient funds to pay full benefits until 2031, according to the latest annual report by the Medicare Board of Trustees.
Data from the health care consulting firm Dobson | Davanzo, released today by the Federation of American Hospitals (FAH) and the American Hospital Association (AHA), shows that physician-owned hospitals (POHs), when compared to other hospitals, treat less medically complex and more financially…
Dobson | DaVanzo recently examined select operating, financial and patient characteristics of hospitals in categories defined by hospital ownership.1 This fact sheet provides descriptive statistics for physician owned hospitals (POHs) compared to non-physician owned hospitals.
In a statement and blog post Friday, AHA took issue with a recent Washington Post editorial calling for payment cuts to hospitals and health systems as part of efforts to stabilize the Medicare program.
Medicare patients who receive care in a hospital outpatient department are more likely to come from medically underserved populations and be sicker and more complex to treat than Medicare patients treated in independent physician offices and ambulatory surgical centers, according to a study by KNG…
A new study released today by the American Hospital Association (AHA) shows that Medicare patients who receive care in a hospital outpatient department (HOPD) are more likely to come from medically underserved populations and be sicker and more complex to treat than Medicare patients treated in…
The editorial board of The Washington Post has published an opinion piece calling for payment cuts to hospitals and health systems as part of efforts to stabilize the Medicare program.