
Reps. Adrian Smith, R-Neb., and Terri Sewell, D-Ala., today introduced legislation that would repeal a Medicare rule that requires physicians at a Critical Access Hospital to certify that inpatients are likely to be discharged or transferred to another hospital within 96 hours. AHA has urged…
The president’s fiscal year 2024 budget will propose policies to keep Medicare’s Hospital Insurance Trust Fund solvent for at least an additional 25 years by directing additional Medicare taxes and savings from prescription drug reforms to the HI Trust Fund, the White House announced today.…
In a report this week, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General identified 15 drug codes that in third-quarter 2022 met the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ criteria for substituting a lower Medicare price for certain Part B drugs.
America’s hospitals and health systems are places of healing, hope, comfort and caring. Today, they also face many challenges that jeopardize their ability to always be there ready to care.
Medicare should continue to pay average sales price plus 6% for most separately payable Part B drugs, but cap ASP inflation, AHA told the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission in comments submitted today. 
AHA shares comments on two topics that were discussed during the January 2023 public meeting: Medicare Part B drug payments and telehealth services.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services should require physician-owned hospitals to report their POH status on the Medicare enrollment application for institutional providers, AHA told the agency today. CMS has proposed removing a question on POH status from the application form (CMS-855A…
Commenting today on the CMS proposed policy and technical changes to the Medicare Advantage program for contract year 2024, AHA voiced strong support for proposals to strengthen MA organization oversight and consumer protections and ensure greater equity between Traditional Medicare and the MA…
AHA comments on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) information collection request regarding the revision of the Medicare Enrollment Application for Institutional Providers (CMS-855A).
Model letter for CY 2024 policy and technical changes to the Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program Proposed Rule.