
With only 11 days that the House and Senate are in session together before the fiscal year concludes, much of the attention in Washington is on how Congress will fund the government and whether there will be a government shutdown.
Each year, the AHA Quest for Quality Prize recognizes hospitals and health systems that have committed to and are making significant progress toward providing exceptional care to patients based on those six “STEEEP” aims.
The AHA’s Next Generation Leaders Fellowship today announced its 43 fellows for 2024, who will work one-on-one with mentors to address a challenge specific to their hospital or health system, presenting their solution at the 2024 AHA Leadership Summit.
Succession planning can feel like a luxury in health care, but its importance cannot be overstated.
The late American economist and author Peter Drucker observed that "management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." That’s never been truer than in health care right now. Every day leaders face many serious challenges at once and make difficult decisions that will impact…
On today’s episode, I talk with AHA Board Member Doug Brown, president of UMass Memorial Community Hospitals and chief administrative officer for UMass Memorial Health, which serves patients throughout Massachusetts. We discuss the many ways that hospitals, health systems and care providers…
For Black women who are hospital and health system CEOs, it's been difficult to find and connect with others like themselves.
America’s health care workers are the backbone of hospitals and health systems to provide strong patient care.