Governance and Leadership Diversity

Join your colleagues at the 2023 AHA Annual Membership Meeting, April 23-25, to ensure our message is united, powerful and able to break through the noise, making a positive impact for the patients and communities you serve.
The AHA seeks senior executives willing to mentor the next generation of health care leaders.
All members encouraged to complete the survey to help in diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.
We spoke with Leon D. Caldwell, AHA’s senior director for health equity strategies and innovation and one of the Health Equity Roadmap’s architects, about its importance to hospitals and health systems.
AHA and its Institute for Diversity and Health Equity encourage organizational health equity, diversity and inclusion leaders to complete the survey.
The AHA is providing early financing for a female-led venture capital firm focused on improving health outcomes for women.
This website offers a resource library to explore resources on quality and equity in patient care, particularly disparities in leadership, structural equity and equity in quality of health care.
Action Planning is a critical step in collectively advancing equity and dismantling structural barriers (e.g., racism, sexism, ageism, etc.) in hospitals and health care systems. This Transformation Action Planner is for hospitals at Transforming on the Diverse Representation in Leadership and…
Action Planning is a critical step in collectively advancing equity and dismantling structural barriers (e.g., racism, sexism, ageism, etc.) in hospitals and health care systems. This Transformation Action Planner is for hospitals at Affirming on the Diverse Representation in Leadership and…