Drug Prices

The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing launched a grassroots and digital advertising campaign urging policymakers to lower prescription drug prices.
The availability of swift, accurate and reliable diagnostic testing during the public health emergency has been extremely important.
The AHA and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists urged the Food and Drug Administration to take appropriate enforcement action to protect patients from a payer-mandated drug distribution model known as “white bagging.” 
The AHA asks that commissioners consider the following issues as they recommend changes that would have a significant impact on hospitals, health systems and the Medicare patients we serve.
AHA letter to Senators, John Thune, Rob Portman, Shelley Moore Capito, Tammy Baldwin, Debbie Stabenow and Ben Cardin expressing support for legislation, S. 773.
Regulators should prohibit health insurers from preventing hospitals and physicians in their networks from directly acquiring and storing drugs used in patient care. A number of large health insurers are requiring these providers to accept drugs purchased or handled by their own or affiliated…
Instead of attacking hospitals and health systems caring for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, PhRMA should instead focus on lowering the costs of drugs for Americans, writes AHA Executive Vice President Tom Nickels.
America’s hospitals and health systems, and our heroic caregivers, have been on the front lines of the battle against COVID-19 for the past year, working tirelessly to provide needed care to patients and communities.
AHA today urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to immediately withdraw its Most Favored Nation model interim final rule and “replace it with a serious effort at drug pricing reform.” 
AHA urges the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to immediately withdraw its Most Favored Nation model interim final rule and “replace it with a serious effort at drug pricing reform.