340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin

AHA, others file briefs in Maryland, West Virginia to prevent injunctions against 340B pricing for contract pharmacy arrangements
A Mississippi judge yesterday denied Novartis Pharmaceuticals’ and PhRMA’s request for a preliminary injunction against enforcement of state law protecting 340B pricing for contract pharmacy arrangements.
The AHA, 340B Health, the Maryland Hospital Association and the Mid-Atlantic Association of Community Health Centers yesterday filed an amicus brief in a federal district court in Maryland, defending the state's law protecting 340B pricing for contract pharmacy arrangements.
340B ADR process goes live June 18; informational webinar being held June 11The new 340B Administrative Dispute Resolution process, finalized by the Department of Health and Human Services April 18, goes into effect June 18. HRSA’s Office of Pharmacy Affairs June 11 will host a webinar to provide…
The House Energy and Commerce Oversight and Investigations subcommittee today hosted a hearing to discuss oversight of the 340B Drug Pricing Program.