340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin

The Supreme Court of the United States today ruled unanimously in favor of the AHA and others, reversing a 2020 court of appeals decision upholding the authority of the Department of Health and Human Services to significantly cut payments to certain hospitals that participate in the 340B Drug…
The Health Resources and Services Administration late last week told Merck that it must immediately begin offering its covered outpatient drugs at the 340B ceiling price to covered entities through their contract pharmacy arrangements, regardless of whether they purchase through an in-house…
We recently sent you a note asking for your help completing a form that will help with our advocacy efforts to push back against illegal actions several drug manufacturers are taking to limit 340B pricing to contract pharmacies. Thank you to those organizations that already have completed the form.
The Supreme Court of the United States today heard oral arguments in a case brought by the AHA and others asking the court to reverse the 2020 federal appeals court decision that upheld the authority of the Department of Health and Human Services to significantly cut payments to certain hospitals…
The Supreme Court of the United States today, Nov. 30 will hear oral arguments in a case brought by the AHA and others asking the court to reverse the 2020 federal appeals court decision that upheld the authority of the Department of Health and Human Services to significantly cut payments to…
The AHA last Friday called the government’s defense of the decision by the Department of Health and Human Services to cut reimbursement to certain hospitals participating in the 340B program by nearly 30% “meritless” as it again urged the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a lower court decision…
The AHA 340B Advocacy Alliance Wednesday, Nov. 17, at 3 p.m. ET will host a special call for AHA 340B hospital members to provide an update on the latest activity on the 340B Drug Pricing Program.
The AHA 340B Advocacy Alliance Nov. 17 at 3 p.m. ET will host a special call for AHA 340B hospital members to provide an update on the latest activity on the 340B Drug Pricing Program.