Cost Management

Hospitals are doing their part to contain costs, as evidenced by the 1.9% increase in price growth per year on average over the last decade, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
At A Glance Health plans often inappropriately delay or decline coverage for medically necessary care. This can undermine the quality of care that is provided, strain the provider/patient relationship, result in bad debt for providers and unexpected bills for patients, and increase the burden on…
AHA comments on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ proposed changes to the hospital and hospital health care complex cost report.
body { color: #000000; } h3 { color: #007acc; } Member Issue Brief: Implementing Patient Out-of-pocket Cost Estimators
How RAND Corporation is endangering our high-value healthcare systems by oversimplifying the complexities of how the system works.
The RAND Corporation has released the third edition of its hospital price transparency study. The AHA previously highlighted our extensive concerns with the data and methodology used in the last version.
It is unfortunate that RAND continues to make broad claims about pricing based on a cherry-picked and limited data set.
An all-too-common activity among some researchers is cherry picking data to support pre-conceived arguments. One of these false narratives is that hospitals and health systems are uniquely responsible for increased health care prices. But an examination of comprehensive data tell a different story.
The Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury today issued a proposed rule that would allow grandfathered health plans to increase enrollees’ premiums and cost-sharing amounts beyond what is currently allowed.
Leaders from health care delivery systems, insurers, the pharmaceuticals industry and technology companies converged on San Francisco last week for the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference and got a close-up look at just how quickly the field is transforming. News came quickly on several fronts…