Advocacy & Public Policy

Resources from the American Hospital Association (AHA) on advocacy and public policy health care issues.

With the calendar turning to December, Congress finds itself in a familiar position: a long to-do-list, impending deadlines and facing uncertainty over how things will play out. 
The AHA provided comments to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission on several topics covered during the commission’s November meeting.
It is extremely unfortunate that Congress did not address pending significant Medicare reductions to hospitals and physicians in legislation funding the federal government.
The AHA supports many parts of the Build Back Better Act that would advance health in our nation’s communities.
The AHA continues to advocate for rural hospitals and health systems on Capitol Hill and beyond, elevating the most pressing issues facing rural hospitals nationwide.
The AHA urged the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights to quickly initiate rulemaking for a legislative provision (H.R. 7898) enacted by Congress this year to recognize certain recommended security practices when making determinations related to Health Insurance…
The AHA urged the Senate Finance Committee to address the nation’s myriad behavioral health needs by: strengthening the workforce; reforming discriminatory Medicare and Medicaid laws; increasing integration, coordination and access to care; ensuring parity; expanding telehealth; and improving care…
The AHA and Federation of American Hospitals this week are running digital ads in Politico urging Congress to “Protect Patients: Don’t cut hospitals serving our most vulnerable.”
The authors of a recent analysis published in JAMA themselves acknowledge that their sample size is very small, making it hard to draw any sweeping conclusions based on their data. In addition, the study does not provide direct insight as to what hospitals actually pay to acquire these drugs.