AHA Statement on the Continuing Resolution

Rick Pollack
President and CEO
American Hospital Association

December 2, 2021

It is extremely unfortunate that Congress did not address pending significant Medicare reductions to hospitals and physicians in legislation funding the federal government. As hospitals and physicians continue their almost two-year battle against COVID on behalf of patients across the country, including the recent disturbing news about the Omicron variant, now is not the time to impose additional financial hardship. It would be an outrage to not protect the very caregivers who are fighting this relentless virus every day. Congress and the Administration must now act quickly to remove the uncertainty these cuts are creating in order to stop this potential threat to the patients and communities we serve.


Contact:        Colin Milligan, (202) 638-5491, cmilligan@aha.org
                      Marie Johnson, (202) 626-2351, mjohnson@aha.org