Access to Behavioral Health

Held September 20, 2016 Join a group of your colleagues for a webinar and discussion. Shastri Swaminathan, M.D., Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, and Sheri Richardt, LCSW, Manager, Crisis/First Access/MICCS, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, IL, will describe the impact of…
Using the Triple Aim framework, hospitals and health systems can effectively address behavioral health issues in the community. This includes:  
Overview Saint Anthony Hospital (SAH) Mental Health Services were established in 2003 to offer culturally sensitive counseling services and emotional support to adults who have limited or no access to health insurance. SAH providers help those experiencing chronic depression, anxiety, and the…
Overview The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that, of New York’s approximately 19.5 million residents, close to 673,000 adults and 204,000 children live with serious mental conditions (2010). St. Joseph’s has been designated by the state of New York as a Community Mental…
What is it? The Community Navigator patrols (on foot) the .25-mile radius surrounding Sutter Medical Center, Sacramento (SMCS) and builds relationships with the local homeless and transient population, eventually connecting them with housing, community resources, transportation, substance abuse…
Overview In 2007, the number one priority from Community Health Visioning 2017 was for the community to develop a comprehensive continuum of mental health and substance abuse services. The area had the lowest per capita ratio of psychiatric professionals in the state and no local psychiatric…
What is it? The overarching goal of the School Wellness Program at Harry S. Truman High School is to help students stay in school, thus improving chances for academic success. Short-term goals include provision of nursing services, mental health crisis counseling and prevention education sessions…
Overview Since Connecticut Children’s Medical Center opened in 1996, they have advanced care coordination for patients through the Connecticut Children’s Center for Care Coordination (CCC). Recently, with support from the Connecticut Children’s Office for Community Child Health, the CCC expanded…
A health system in rural Minnesota has helped develop an innovative model to prevent prescription drug and opioid abuse. Staff at CHI St. Gabriel's Health in Little Falls, Minn., began researching the issue after noticing that a large number of patients in the emergency department were requesting…