Access to Behavioral Health

Overview In response to the rapidly growing need for more coordinated mental health care services in New Jersey, Trinitas Regional Medical Center and St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center launched the largest and most comprehensive Integrated Behavioral Health Network in Northern New Jersey.…
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration will host a 90-minute webinar on its final rule on confidentiality of substance use disorder patient records. Participants may register to attend on March 17 or March 22 at 1 p.m. ET.
As the nation debates changes to the Affordable Care Act, it’s worth noting what’s been gained with the expansion of health care coverage to more than 20 million Americans. For the first time, many who suffer from addiction and substance abuse disorders are getting treatment thanks to their…
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration today postponed the effective date of its final rule on confidentiality of substance use disorder patient records to March 21.
Communities around the country are experiencing challenges in preventing substance use. For some communities prescription drugs and heroin are the major concern while for others it's methamphetamine, synthetics or underage drinking. This joint webinar with the Association for Community Health…
AHA supports the integration of behavioral and physical health and helps hospitals play a key role in establishing partnerships to ensure access to a full continuum of behavioral health care.
Disaster Responsiveness Helping Families Deal with the Stress of Relocation After a Disaster (Handout) ASPR TRACI
This is a list of resources that will help you to integrate physical and behavioral health care. It includes AHA publications, executive dialogue series, webinars, conference calls, members in action publications, and other resources.
A health care collaboration in rural Missouri is expanding patient access to primary and behavioral health care services. In Lexington, Mo., as in many rural communities, there are not enough local resources to meet demand for primary care, dental care and psychiatric services. Lafayette Regional…