Nurse Leadership

The American Association of Kidney Patients awarded Nancy Uhland, a George Washington University nurse practitioner, what some consider to be the highest honor for kidney health professionals.
The White House fiscal year 2019 budget proposal released last week includes deep cuts to Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development Programs, something the Nursing Community Coalition opposes.
As other rescue teams worked to reach the remotely located survivors, nurse anesthetist Katie Kineally worked with other first responders to help the crash victims
The AHA is accepting nominations through March 16 for outstanding clinicians to be considered for leadership positions within the association. The Committee on Clinical Leadership is seeking five at-large clinicians to serve three-year appointments. The CCL is responsible for providing clinical…
The American Organization of Nurse Executives on April 13 will present its 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award to Linda Quinn Everett, RN.
Nurse leader roles will continue to grow in 2018, said AONE President Bob Dent, in a recent Medscape article.
The funding would reauthorize key nursing workforce development programs through 2022 and modernize them, the coalition said.
The AHA is accepting nominations through March 16 for outstanding clinicians to be considered for leadership positions within the association.
A Colorado man who was saved by nurses last year when running the Key West Half Marathon in Florida ran part of the same race in mid-January alongside one of his rescuers.