State Association

The health of Arizona's citizens depends on an adequate supply of physician services to meet their health care needs. The supply of physician services is determined by the number of practicing physicians, the mix of physician specialties, and by the productivity of physicians. This is the first of…
The Defeat of Measure 35 is not an end, but merely a waypoint on the road to tort reform. Physicians around the state are wondering what is next, and are looking to the OMA for continued leadership. There is much work to be done. In the coming months we will see a steady erosion of access to care…
Slide show. Office of the National Coordinator where we are today. Major Initiatives Underway. Next steps for RHIOs.
North Carolina Hospital Association Talking Points for Medical Malpractice Liability Reform.
All over Montana, physicians and hospitals report the cost and availability of medical liability insurance coverage have reached crisis proportions. Dramatic increases in insurance premiums have caused severe cash flow problems for providers, and some physicians are even considering curtailing some…
Slide Show. ")INHS Systems Overview.") Presented at the AHA State Issues Forum by Inland Northwest Health Services.
Certificate of Need: 2005 State Legislation and Regulation. On a state-by-state basic.
A White Paper developed by the Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association's Campaign for Caring.
The third annual AlaHA's 2004 Staffing Survey accompanied the 2004 Salary Survey and was mailed to 106 Alabama hospital human resource directors.