State Association

Slide show notes on the Nevada healthcare accessibility crisis.
Slide show. ")Nevada's Healthcare Accessibility Crisis.") Urges voters to vote yes on question 3.
Keep Our Doctors in Nevada \(KODIN\): Five Key Elements Description. The ")Yes on 3") Initiative.
Postcard detailing reasons why voters should support balot measure 35.
Postcard detailing reasons it is beneficial for senior citizens to vote yes on Measure 35.
Detailed description of Tennessee Hospitals Voluntary Principles and Guidelines for Assisting Low-Income or Uninsured Patients.
Summary explaining the results of an Oregon medical liability ballot issue.
July 2004 of the Nevada Hospital Association's newsletter ")Hospital Healthlink.")
Delaware Healthcare Association Acute Care Hospitals and Health Systems Workforce Needs 2003-2010, June 2004
The New Jersey Hospital Association today announced the development of new guidelines for compassionate billing and collection processes for uninsured patients left with unpaid hospital bills.