State Association

Summary of Requirements for Consumer Information in ")The 2004 Affordable Health Care for Floridians Act.") This bill includes legislation on sharing of price and performance information, the patient safety authority, expanding Health Flex statewide, discount cards, etc. While a complete summary…
January 2004 issue of Focus, a publication of the West Virginia Hospital Association.
Brochure detailing reasons to vote no on questions 4 and 5 on the Nevada ballot.
In the next election, Nevadans will have the opportunity to vote on several very important initiatives. For your benefit, the Southern Nevada Medical Insurance Coalition, a group concerned abotu the future of healthcare in Nevada and comprised of members from a large variety of medical and non-…
December 2003 issue of Focus, a publication of the West Virginia Hospital Association.
Poster. ")The Perfect Storm: The Forces Shaping Hawaii's Approaching Healthcare Crisis.") Causes of stress on Hawaii healthcare.
After a year-long campaign to bring this issue before the Florida Legislature, the Florida Hospital Association \(FHA\) would like to thank its hospitals and their Boards, medical staffs, auxiliaries, employees and families for their hard work. FHA would also like to thank the 132 organizations…
August 2003 issue of Focus, a publication of the West Virginia Hospital Association.
OMA Initiative Petition - Constitutional Amendment. Timeline for SEL 311.
Unintended Consequences: How Federal Regulation and Hospital Policies Can Leave Patients in Debt. Research paper put out by the Commonwealth Group.