State Association

State Hospital Association Inventory of Quality & Patient Safety-Related Activities - Connecticut, December 2005
State Hospital Association Inventory of Quality & Patient Safety-Related Activities - California. fRom December 2005.
")Getting the Most Benefit from the Variations Research: Next Steps") from Perspective. Articles written by Thomas Priselac.
The passage of HB 2 during the 2004 Special Session of the General Assembly and the subsequent enactment of the emergency bill to make corrections to HB 2 during the 2005 session provided a good start toward improving the medical liability climate in Maryland. However, more work needs to be done to…
The need to improve physical plant in Maryland hospitals has led many institutions to submit Certificate of Need \(CON\) applications for renovation and replacement projects. The number of CON applications has steadily increased over the past few years. The Maryland Health Care Commission \(MHCC\)…
The Institute of Medicine \(IOM\) groundbreaking 1999 report ")To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System") aimed a spotlight at the issue of medical errors. Since that time, health care providers, public officials, consumers, and payors across the country have strived to create the most…
Florida Medicaid Reform: Summary of the Approved Waiver
An act relating to attorney fees; creating new provisions; amending ORS 20.340.
This study was performed by the WWAMI Center for Health Workforce Studies \(CHWS\) and the Health Work Force Institute \(HWFI\) of the Washington State Hospital Association.By Susan M. Skillman, MS, C. Holly A. Andrilla, MS, Ed Phippen, MPA, Troy Hutson, RN, JD, Elise Bowditch, MA, Tina Praseuth,
The report reflects the services and financial assistance, or charity care, Maryland's not-for-profit hospitals provide to patients who are unable to pay for their care. It also includes an accounting of the broad range of community benefits that Maryland hospitals offer with little or no…