
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

The Joint Commission's 2011 National Patient Safety Goals.
Drug prescriptions need to accurately identify the medications that prescribers intend for pharmacists to dispense. However, the set of computer-interpretable identifiers currently used in electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) does not support the specific needs of the prescribers and pharmacists…
Health care professionals and patients all agree that wrong site surgery is a serious and preventable adverse event that should never happen. Although reporting is not mandatory in most states, some estimates put the national incidence rate, which includes wrong patient, wrong procedure, wrong site…
A summary of the report, Limiting Federal Spending as a Proportion of Total Gross Domestic Product \(GDP\), prepared by The Lewin Group
Case Study: Variations on the "Commitment to American Prosperity Act (CAP)"
Case Study: Variations on the "Commitment to American Prosperity Act (CAP)"