
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

The report defines the meaning of value in health care, provides an overview of the current state of value in the health care industry, and maps out future directions for value-oriented providers.
Rural hospitals are a vital yet vulnerable component of the American health care system.
The Cost of Caring TrendWatch examines the drivers of spending on hospital care and provides key policy questions lawmakers should consider when developing strategies to contain costs.
TrendWatch Charts - Maximizing the Value of Post-acute Care
As more rural Americans gain access to health coverage through Medicaid and the commercial markets, rural hospitals will experience greater patient demand that may strain already limited staff and capital resources.
Variation in Health Care: More than Just GeographyScott Malaney, President & CEO, Blanchard Valley Health System, Findlay, OH
Variation in Health Care: More than Just GeographyRobert Jesse, M.D., Ph.D., Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Health, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC
Variation in Health Care: More than Just GeographyRaj Behal, M.D., Associate Chief Medical Officer and Senior Quality and Patient Safety Officer at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL
Eliminating Disparities in Health Outcomes - Bibliography
AHA, hospital groups file ACA amicus brief in 11th Circuit urging constitutionality of the individual mandate.