
Blogs from AHA leaders and members on the latest health care issues.

In this guest blog, Kenneth Kaufman, chair of Kaufman Hall, looks at the Federal Trade Commission’s recent move to stop the proposed merger of Philadelphia-based Jefferson Health and Einstein Healthcare Network.
AHA General Counsel Melinda Hatton responds to a research letter on charity care published JAMA Internal Medicine.
America’s hospitals and health systems stand ready to identify, isolate and treat those who may have been exposed to the Wuhan coronavirus.
Hospital mergers are worth discussing, but too often the criticism is far from rigorous and is more like an echo chamber where critics cite those with whom they agree and ignore inconvenient facts that show how the hospital field continues provide quality care in their communities.
Chief among the flaws in the most recent study on hospital consolidation published in the New England Journal of Medicine was that its conclusions were informed by preconceived notions of what the authors thought the data should show, which was then undermined further by the arbitrary choices made…
AHA General Counsel Melinda Hatton writes that recent suggestions by FTC officials that the agency intends to challenge every hospital merger in the pipeline and antipathy toward Certificates of Public Advantage are troubling on a number of levels.
In this AHA Stat Blog, Jay Bhatt, D.O., AHA senior vice president and chief medical officer, discusses a new Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant awarded to AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity.
U.S. Surgeon General Vice Admiral Jerome Adams, M.D., and Jay Bhatt, D.O., AHA senior vice president and chief medical officer, write that American maternal health must improve, and they outline actions health care leaders should take to improve outcomes.
Tom Nickels, AHA executive vice president, responds to a PhRMA-funded study that attempts to deflect blame for a growing crisis of their own making – the skyrocketing costs of drugs.
In addition to improving quality, mergers produce important cost savings and do not increase revenues.