
Blogs from AHA leaders and members on the latest health care issues.

How RAND Corporation is endangering our high-value healthcare systems by oversimplifying the complexities of how the system works.
The RAND Corporation has released the third edition of its hospital price transparency study. The AHA previously highlighted our extensive concerns with the data and methodology used in the last version.
From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals have kept patients safe in the face of rapidly evolving scientific evidence and daunting resource limitations. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal on the spread of COVID-19 infections in hospitals does not give a full picture and proper…
The COVID-19 pandemic makes working in health care especially exhausting both physically and mentally. These front-line care workers face putting their families and colleagues at risk for exposure to the virus, working extended shift hours and confronting an unimaginable death toll.
An all-too-common activity among some researchers is cherry picking data to support pre-conceived arguments. One of these false narratives is that hospitals and health systems are uniquely responsible for increased health care prices. But an examination of comprehensive data tell a different story…
Americans everywhere have watched with increasing dismay and alarm as 94 major wildfires continue to incinerate wide swaths of our beautiful Western states. As of this writing, the infernos — which are most heavily concentrated in California, Washington, Oregon and Idaho — have scorched nearly 5…
The gift of a new life shouldn’t come at the expense of an existing one. Yet every year, more than 700 women die from pregnancy- and delivery-related complications. Another 50,000 women suffer severe health problems related to pregnancy. And, these complications are disproportionately affecting…
Months into the COVID-19 pandemic, the health care supply chain remains strained due to the high demand for personal protective equipment. In this blog Q&A, Mike Schiller, senior director of supply chains for the Association for Health Care Resource and Materials Management, discusses the past…
For the last several months, disturbing and unproven theories have gained traction – mostly on social media – about the death count for COVID-19. Hospitals and health systems are eligible to receive higher payments for complex COVID-19-related treatment under the CARES Act – that much is true.…
Learning mental health first aid could ease the exacerbation of behavioral health conditions during the COVID-19 public health emergency, writes Katherine Bunting, chief executive officer of Illinois-based Fairfield Memorial Hospital. Learn more about the importance of knowing how to respond and…