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33553 Results Found


Survey looks at effects of prescription painkiller abuse

Nearly four in 10 people – 39% – know someone who has been addicted to prescription painkillers, including 25% who say it was a close friend or family member and 2% who acknowledge thei

Report examines health care affordability among the privately insured

A quarter of privately insured working-age adults say their health care is unaffordable, according to the latest Commonwealth Fund Health Care Affordability

NAIC approves model network adequacy law

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners voted this weekend to approve model state-level legislation to ensure health insurance provider network adequacy.

CMS extends deadline for PQRS informal review process to Dec. 11

Eligible professionals and group practices participating in the Physician Quality Reporting System who believe they were incorrectly assessed a negative payment adjustment for 2016 may ask the Cent

Two major drug companies announce merger plans

U.S.-based Pfizer Inc.

Slavitt calls for increased transparency on drug prices

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt

ASHHRA announces 2016 board members

The American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration, an AHA personal membership group, recently announced its 2016 board of directors.

Illinois Hospital Association names new president and CEO

The Illinois Hospital Association on Friday named A.J. Wilhelmi its next president and CEO, effective Jan. 1.

CMS issues proposed rule on notice of benefit and payment parameters for 2017

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services late this afternoon issued a proposed rule

Group seeks health sector comments on draft cybersecurity implementation guide

A working group of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response is accepting comments through Nov.