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33553 Results Found


AHA webcast replay on open enrollment available

A replay is now available of AHA’s Nov.

Altarum: Health care price growth at historic low

Health care prices grew 1% year-over-year in September, matching the multi-decade low hit in August 2013, according to the latest

HHS issues snapshot of first-week open enrollment activity

More than 543,000 people selected a health plan through the federally-facilitated Health Insurance Marketplace during the first week of open enrollment, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Serv

Commentary looks at first-year results from Maryland All-Payer Model

A commentary in this week’s New England Journal of Medicine looks at preliminary first-year results from t

U.S. modifies enhanced entry screening for travelers from Sierra Leone

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Department of Homeland Security this week modified port-of-entry screening for travelers from Sierra Leone, which the World Health Organization de

CDC to add two anthrax treatments to national stockpile

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response will purchase two antitoxin drugs for inhalational anthrax to add to the Strategic

CMS announces Medicare premiums and deductibles for CY 2016

The Medicare Part A deductible for inpatient hospital services will increase by $28 in calendar year 2016, to $1,288, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

AMA urges DOJ to block proposed insurance mergers

The American Medical Association today urged the Department of Justice to block Aetna’s proposed acquisition of Humana and Anthem’s proposed acquisition of Cigna.

Antitrust expert: Facts contradict arguments for insurance mega deals

The proposed mergers of health insurance giants Aetna and Humana and Anthem and Cigna are a bad deal for consumers,

AHASTAT highlights resources to help hospitals support veterans

An AHASTAT blog post today highlights resources available to help hospitals