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33553 Results Found


CMS announces funding to enroll children in Medicaid/CHIP

State and local governments and community-based public or non-profit organizations can apply through Jan.

CMS finalizes model to bundle payments for hip and knee replacements

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services late today finalized a new payment

DHS/HHS coordinating council calls for enhanced vigilance after Paris terrorist attacks

Hospitals are encouraged to review and exercise their security plans following Friday’s terror attacks across Paris, according to leaders of the public/private council that coordinates health

Agencies issue final rule on 'grandfathered' health plans

The departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury Friday issued a final rule<

AHA advertorial: Patients need insurance competition, not consolidation

The proposed Anthem-Cigna and Aetna-Humana acquisitions would be good for the bottom lines of the respective health insurance companies – but bad for patients, according to an AHA

Veterans helping other veterans learn about coverage options

The New Jersey Hospital Association (NJHA) has launched two programs aimed at training veterans to help other veterans navigate the complexities of health care delivery and health insurance.

PLF toolkits support your efforts to provide better value at a lower cost

Hospitals and health systems have a responsibility to encourage appropriate and consistent use of health care resources and give caregivers the tools to better communicate with patients about appro

FDA orders company to recall automated endoscope reprocessors

The Food and Drug Administration today ordered Custom Ultrasonics to recall all of its automat

New coalition to advocate against health insurance mega mergers

A group of consumer advocates, employers and unions yesterday launched the Coalition to Protect Patient Choice to educate policymakers and the public on the importance of health insurance competiti

CDC: Smoking rates twice as high for adults who are uninsured, on Medicaid

American adults who are uninsured or on Medicaid smoke at rates more than double those for adults with private health insurance or Medicare, according to a new